This fitness thing sure is NOT easy. I hate to admit it but I'm off to a slow start. I even forgot to update my blog this Thursday! Anyhow here's a quick summary of how my week went.
Last Saturday - Went to my son's classmate's birthday party. I wasn't able to buy my fitness out fit nor exercise but I sure am proud of myself for helping out with the kids in that party. I wasn't able to eat cake and I'm pretty sure I must have lost a few hundred pounds running around with the kids!
Last Sunday - Went out for groceries. Almost stuck to the list. Ended up buying an extra pack of hotdogs and some juice that my husband must have added to the cart when I wasn't looking. Not too bad considering how I usually pack it with lots of processed food. We're on our way to going more organic!
Monday - Nothing interesting. Usual chores. Hectic as most Mondays are.
Tuesday to Thursday - Yay! I was able to walk around the neighborhood with the stroller in tow for 15 or maybe 30 mins (I didn't really time it.) during the afternoons.
Thursday Night- Went out with my high school friends! It was fun but I had to go home early. It was ages since I've gone out without the kids or my husband. I should do it more often. Hubby was really happy to see me all dressed up when I got home. He does looove the idea of me going out!
Today - Up early. The usual. Taking sometime to blog before I finish making dinner! Hopefully I get more fun exercise with hubby and the kids tomorrow during our mini-picnic.
It's funny how within a week I haven't really achieved much in terms of PHYSICAL FITNESS but am feeling really satisfied. This journey, I realize, is really turning out to be more about the emotional part first before the results start showing in my body. Hey! The results at least show on one very specific body part - my face. My cheekbones are more prominent, my eyes are creased, and my lips are upturned. What's that? Oh yes. I'm smiling.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Slow Start
Posted by Mom on a Quest at 4:48 PM 2 comments
Labels: Quest Log
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Fitness Thursday
It seems that the start of my journey towards fitness is suffering from a slight hiccup. I need to keep focused to be able to make real progress. Anyway I've been encountering this Thursday Thirteen thing all over other people's blogs and after reading about it in their FAQ page I thought that maybe I could list Thirteen Things about my journey each Thursday. It'll serve as my weekly reminder to do at least 13 things worth writing about each week or else shame myself in front (?) of other ThursdayThirteeners or whatever they (oh it's we now!) are called. So here goes.... Oh and I hope someone drops by my blog to cheer me on. ^_^
1. Blog to be accountable. 2. Buy a new "fitness outfit". 3. Sit down with my hubby to explain my need for "me" time. 4. Start sticking to my grocery list. 5. Drink more water or at least juice? 6. Cut back on housework and play with the kids. 7. Stop ordering take out (good for the budget too!). 8. Join an online fitness forum? 9. Take out old pictures of me to remind me how good I can look. 10. Start caring about myself. 11. Try to get more sleep (I don't know how I'll manage this.) 12. Ask hubby if he wants to walk/jog with me in the morning. 13. Keep a positive attitude. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! Look at the blogroll on the right --> |
Posted by Mom on a Quest at 5:25 AM 9 comments
Labels: Thursday Thirteen
Friday, September 7, 2007
And the Journey Begins
I have always subscribed to the idea that you cannot really take care of another person unless you know how to take care of yourself, which is why sometime this week I was surprised when I took time enough to take stock of my situation and realized that I have not really been taking care of myself. I always thought it would be easy to be a full time mom. How hard can it be? All I needed to do was stay at home with the kids, feed them, bathe them, stop fights, clean the house, buy groceries, help them with assignments, take them to the doctor's office, blah blah blah.... Before I became a mom I never realized how this litany of daily, seemingly inane chores could all take up so much time and energy, that taking care of oneself is often one of the things that get overlooked.
Looking at myself in the mirror I see a typical mom. Baggy sweats, hair held back by a pony, and a basket of laundry under one arm. Examining my own attributes I find someone who, on the whole, isn't too bad looking. I'm not overweight (or maybe I am, but just very very slightly), my skin is not too bad, and my sweats though faded fits me well enough. In short I look (barely) passable. Nothing wrong with that and yet the image before me is completely wrong too. I know it is a disservice to myself that I am slowly allowing myself to let go. Or maybe I have let go...
Where is the "sexy lady" that caught my husband's eye back in college? Where is the energetic bubbly girl who can't keep her mouth shut (I still can't keep my mouth shut but mostly to nag the hubby and kids)? Where is the girl who once walked with a spring on her step? I know that she must be somewhere inside that body in front of me. And so my journey began and will be chronicled here.
Hello everyone. It's me. I'm a mom on a quest to bring my sexy back.
Posted by Mom on a Quest at 3:32 PM 2 comments
Labels: Quest Log, Taking Stock, Talking to Myself